
Counterbalance | Africa's Recent Contagion of Coups (feat. Josh Meservey)

Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Peace and Security in the Middle East
Peter Rough Hudson Institute
Peter Rough Hudson Institute
Senior Fellow and Director, Center on Europe and Eurasia
Senior Fellow
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With the recent military coup in Gabon, the continent of Africa has seen nine governments overthrown by coups in three years. Hosts Mike Doran and Peter Rough talk with Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Josh Meservey to investigate what's behind the trend. They also weigh the shifting international influence from Western powers to a new international oppositional bloc led by Russia and China. 

About Counterbalance:

Counterbalance is a Hudson Institute podcast hosted by Senior Fellows Michael Doran and Peter Rough. As America's unipolar moment fades, Rough and Doran explore the emerging global order.