A Look at Taiwan’s Election Results
Former Senator Phil Gramm has been a leader in creative thinking and legislating about budgetary restraint over his 45-year public career in government and as an economist. Join Senator Gramm for a discussion at Hudson Institute on the importance and future of budgetary politics with Senior Fellow Thomas Duesterberg. Hudson President and CEO John Walters will deliver introductory remarks.
To give an update on joint efforts to catalog Russian war crimes and to bring war criminals to justice, Matviichuk will join Senior Fellow Matt Boyse for a live conversation.
Please join Deputy Secretary of State and former Ambassador to India Richard R. Verma and Hudson’s Dr. Aparna Pande for a conversation on the progress the US and India have made and the major lines of effort ahead.
Hudson’s China Center, with representatives from the Taiwan United Nations Alliance and the Washington Times, will explore Taiwan’s role on the international stage and discuss how to combat the PRC’s efforts and enhance United States–Taiwan military and diplomatic cooperation.