Phil Gramm taught economics at Texas A&M for 12 years, served in the United States House for 6 years, and in the US Senate for 12 years. He is author of the budget-cutting Gramm-Latta Act (1981), which set the path of Reagan administration budget policy, and the Gramm- Rudman-Hollings Act (1985), which placed binding restrictions on Federal spendng. Since retiring from Congress, Gramm has written widely on budget, tax, growth, and related income distribution issues.
Can American Politics Solve the Federal Debt Problem?
Join Hudson Senior Fellows Bryan Clark and Nadia Schadlow for an event exploring the opportunities and challenges in implementing a more unified allied industrial base with Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA), Ambassador Hyun-dong Cho of South Korea, senior US Navy and Army officials, and leaders of major Asian and European defense firms.
The Hudson Institute Political Studies Policy Certificate Program gathers talented early career professionals for advanced study of American foreign and domestic policy and national security, led by policy experts and experienced government officials.
Join Senior Fellow Matt Boyse for a conversation with Professor Christian Leuprecht of the Royal Military College of Canada and the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. They will take stock of the US-Canada relationship and evaluate its implications for security and prosperity in North America, the Euro-Atlantic, and the Indo-Pacific.