Arsenal of Democracy

Introducing Arsenal of Democracy

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Welcome to Arsenal of Democracy, a weekly podcast hosted by Marshall Kosloff and produced by Hudson Institute.

Today, the American-led order is threatened, and American leaders face perhaps the most dangerous geopolitical landscape since the height of the Cold War: war rages in Eastern Europe, China threatens the Indo-Pacific, we face internal division at home, and it is unclear if America is willing and able to meet these challenges.

On this podcast from Hudson Institute, we will analyze the key developments in US foreign and domestic policy, national security, technological innovation, and international relations, with an eye on guiding and equipping US policymakers to meet these threats. Each week, we will speak with Hudson Institute experts on the latest developments in their work; and with leaders, innovators, and thinkers from politics, policy, and industry—to help guide us on the interconnected nature of the dangers we face and what we can do about them.

We believe that the “Arsenal of Democracy” is not merely a state of military, industrial, and societal readiness. It is a conception of America’s aims and role as the world reckons with a shifting geopolitical order, revanchist Great Power rivals, and global debates about the prospects for liberal democracy. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple or Spotify, or watch the video version of the show on YouTube.