To explain the challenges facing GPS and how Washington can solve them, Hudson will host an event with several leading authorities on GPS.

Hudson’s Center for the Economics of the Internet welcomes James Andrew Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies to discuss his research in this area. A light lunch will be served.

This event will discuss the failed policy of 2-percent inflation, the restoration of a true monetary base, checks and balances on the Federal Reserve, free market interest rates, and other fundamental reforms to America’s ailing money regime.

Commissioner Simington will then join former FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth and a panel of leading experts in space technology and safety to discuss best practices in space sustainability and space traffic management.

Hudson Senior Fellow Harold Furchtgott-Roth discusses the recent FTC proposal to ban non-compete clauses in employment contracts with Maureen K. Ohlhausen, partner and section chair of antitrust and competition law at Baker Botts.

Please join Hudson Institute Center for the Economics of the Internet Senior Fellow Harold Furchtgott-Roth for a conversation with Noah Phillips, a commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission, on the regulation of technology and technology companies at the FTC.

For decades, the Federal Trade Commission could, under its interpretation of Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade Act, go to court and obtain a court or